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Kitchen Cabinet Painting Ontario

Kitchen Cabinet Painting in Southwestern Ontario

Like New Cabinets Without the Hassle

Southwestern Ontario Kitchen Cabinet Painters

Giving Old Cabinets New Life

The main difference between lacquers and paints are the solvents used.


Unlike paint, lacquers and urethanes can be dissolved by the same solvent used to manufacture the product.


Lacquer has been the standard wood finish for cabinet builders for the last 60 years. Lacquer and urethane products accommodate wood movement over time, while paint becomes hard and brittle over the years.


The cross linking urethane we use is a self-leveling product that will follow or

flow out on the surface it is applied to. As the product flows out it will begin to become as smooth as the surface below allows for. Some woods, like maple, are smoother than others, such as oak.


Lacquer is the best product for refinishing your cabinets and making them last for years to come.

Kitchen Cabinet Painting Ontario

Kitchen Cabinet Painting

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Spray It Like New
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Kitchen Cabinet Finishers Transforming kitchens, bath & laundry cabinets with durable, high quality Water Poly Cross Linking Urethane finishes.

21028 Four Rod Rd.

Charing Cross, ON

N0P 1G0

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 (519) 401 3161


"Spray It Like New" & "InfraKure" are Registered Trademarks of Tracy Sauer |  © 2011-2025

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